Who are we?

Welcome to Courage Academy, where our mission is to cultivate a generation of courageous Bible-believing followers and disciples of Christ. Rooted in Gospel values and a commitment to excellence, Courage Academy provides a transformative educational experience that prepares students to navigate the challenges of the world with faith, resilience, and integrity.

Subjects Covered

At Courage Academy, we prioritize a comprehensive curriculum that encompasses English Language Arts, Math, History, and Science, all taught through the lens of Christian principles. Our dedicated educators integrate biblical teachings into every aspect of learning, fostering a deep understanding of God's word and its relevance to daily life.


In line with our belief in personalized education, classes at Courage Academy are multi-age level, allowing students to learn and grow at their own pace while fostering a sense of community and collaboration. Through careful grouping based on learning level, we ensure that each student receives tailored instruction and support to reach their full potential.


Inspired by the educational philosophy of Charlotte Mason, Courage Academy embraces a holistic approach to learning that honors the individuality of each student. Our educators utilize engaging and interactive teaching methods that promote curiosity, critical thinking, and a love for learning, empowering students to become lifelong learners and thoughtful leaders.

At Courage Academy, education is more than just academics—it's about nurturing the whole child, mind, body, and spirit. We invite you to join us on this journey of growth and discovery as we strive to raise a generation of courageous disciples of Christ, equipped to make a positive impact on their communities and beyond. Click here to view Courage Academy’s Mission, Philosophy, and Faith Statement.

Our Model

As a “cottage school,” families are intimately involved in their child's education for electives and extracurriculars, with Courage Academy providing a supportive framework for core academics and character development. Families interested in joining our community can find guidance on state registration through the following link: HSLDA - How to comply with Kansas homeschool law. Come experience the transformative journey at Courage Academy, where faith, nature, and education intertwine to shape courageous and resilient individuals!


Located amidst the serene landscapes of rural Augusta, Kansas, Courage Academy provides a nurturing haven for education at 7419 SW Church Rd; Augusta, KS 67010. Our picturesque setting offers ample opportunities for outdoor play and nature-based learning, fostering resilience and fortitude in our students to face life's challenges head-on.


We will be utilizing the Charlotte Mason Institute’s Alveary for grades 1-12, The Peaceful Press’s Nourishing Nature for Kindergarten, and various other resources and curriculum as needed. Upon acceptance, a $300 curriculum/enrollment fee is due that will cover the cost of the curriculum for all four core subjects (Language Arts, Math, Science, & Social Studies), as well as hold your child’s place in the class.

schedule and pricing details

Students attend Courage Academy four days a week (Monday through Thursday) from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Depending on how you homeschool your children, this option should be sufficient for your child in the core subjects so you can focus on other enrichment activities during your time with them. The cost is $425/month, to be paid on the first of each month.

To view our 2023-2024 school calendar, CLICK HERE.

(A 2024-2025 school year calendar will be released in the near future.)

Ready to join courage academy?

Click here to complete a Courage Academy Application for the 2024-2025 School Year!